⚙ > Reports > Word Slices






To manage Word slices, the user must have the permission to access Reports.

Word slices (for example, 1 to 500 words) can first be defined by the user in the ⚙ > Reports > Word Slice configuration page and have an impact on the Projects per word slice Production report.

How to create Word Slices


A word slice can be created by clicking on the ‘Add’ button in the toolbar of the word slice list.


  1. The lower-bound is a required field (by default, the value is 0). 

  2. The upper-bound field can be left empty 

  3. If the upper-bound field is not empty, its value must be greater than the lower bound (otherwise, an error message is displayed).


How to edit Word Slices

A word slice can be edited by selecting the word slice that is to be edited and clicking on the ‘edit’ button.


How to delete Word Slices

A word slice can be deleted by selecting the word slice(s) that are to be deleted and clicking on the ‘delete’ button.


⚙ > Reports > Word Slices - FlowFit User Documentation - Confluence (