⚙ > General > Modules


⚙ > General > Modules




The module feature allows you to create "teams", compartmentalize certain information and customize FlowFit functionalities per team. Teams can be created by language (e.g., Chinese, French, Italian, etc.) or by content types (e.g., confidential communications, marketing, internal/external customers, etc.).

A user who is part of a module can only see the information under that module, i.e., projects, tasks, resources (when assigning a task), and reports. Finally, a user who has the right to edit the resources can modify his own profile at any time and add other modules to it.


Pro tip:
We strongly recommend using modules only if necessary and ask for the Consoltec team to help set them up according to your special business needs.


How to set up a multi-team system


  1. Create the modules from the administration console under the column GENERAL.


2. Set up what needs to be compartmentalized or customized according to the teams. Here are some examples of what can be compartmentalized or customized with the modules:

●        Projects (project templates);

●        Workflows (workflow modules);

●        Email templates;

●        Virtual coordinator;

●        Timesheets (work codes);

●        Assignment, Finance and Reports modules.


3. Assign these modules to projects. Here are the different methods:

●        Let the requester select the module from the Client Portal.

●        Assign a module directly in the client account [note: a ''client'' in FlowFit is not a ''requester'' (who is the person submitting a request), but to a group of requesters (e.g., a company, a department, etc.)]. Each request created under this client will be automatically directed to the right module.

●        Let the virtual coordinator assign the module according to the selected filters.

●        Assign the module manually in each project.

4. Assign modules to resources. As mentioned previously, a resource only sees information that is under the modules assigned to it (or information that is not under any module), i.e., projects, tasks, resources (when assigning a task) and reports.


What each team have access to


Project management features accessible by Project Managers: 

FlowFit-TMS views: 

Dashboard: visibility of widgets according to roles and permission. It is possible to create different roles and permission for each team.

Projects and My projects: visibility according to the module assigned to the resource.

Tasks and My tasks: visibility according to the module assigned to the resource.

Clients: the list of clients is shared. It is possible to limit access rights according to roles and permission.

Resources: the list of resources is shared. It is possible to limit access rights according to roles and permission.

Timesheet: the list of resources in timesheets is shared, but using supervisors, access to timesheets can be limited.

Assignment: visibility according to the module assigned to the resource.

Finance: visibility according to the module assigned to the resource.

Reports: visibility according to the module assigned to the resource.


FlowFit-TMS search pages:

Projects (Search for projects): visibility according to the module assigned to the resource.

Clients: see Clients above.

Client groups: the list of group names is shared.

Contacts: the list of contacts is shared.

Resources: see Resources above.

Tasks (Search for tasks): visibility according to the module assigned to the resource.

Propositions: the list is shared, you can consult another team’s proposition, but not the project.

Administration parameters accessible by administrators:

Admin parameters shared by the modules/teams:

●        PROJECTS

o   Delay reasons

o   Reference document types

o   Negotiable deadline

o   Products (a product can be linked to a particular client, only one, and it is possible to create several products under a product area and link this product area to a client, which is linked to a module).

o   Product areas (a product area can be linked to a specific client, only one)

o   Priorities

o   Readerships

o   Target audience

o   Classification

●        PROVIDERS

o   Professional associations

o   Professional experiences

o   Tools


o   Holidays

o   Holiday names

o   Unavailability types


●        GENERAL

o   Countries

o   Custom fields for Resources and Clients

o   Dynamic labels

o   Languages

o   Offices

o   Service units

o   Archival report


o   Services (the list is shared when adding a service to a workflow, but you can limit who uses a service depending on the users)

o   System parameters

o   Task proposition templates

o   User connection

o   User management

o   Document templates

●        CLIENTS

o   Client contact types

o   Position

o   Titles

●        FINANCE

o   Charge codes

o   Currencies

o   Exchange rates

o   Taxes

o   Billing types

●        REPORTS

o   Word slices

●        SECURITY

o   Authentication

o   System logs


Admin parameters not shared by the modules/teams:

●        PROJECTS

o   Project folder template (can be separated using the project templates)

o   Project types

o   Work types (you can select the types of work allowed for each client)

●        PROVIDERS

o   Domains

o   Provider profile (each provider can be assigned a different profile)

o   Provider rates (each provider can be assigned a different rate)

●        GENERAL

o   Custom fields for Projects and Tasks (can be linked to a project template)

o   Dashboard (by creating different roles for each team)

o   Survey management (can be separated using project templates, services and workflows)


o   Email templates

o   Project templates

o   Service groups

o   Service categories

o   Virtual coordinator (the list will be shared by all modules, but a VC can be assigned to a module or a client)

o   Workflow (suggestion: start workflows with letters to differentiate teams or use workflow modules)


●        CLIENTS

o   Client rates (assigned to a Client account, but the list is shared)

o   Client services (the list is shared, but services are assigned to a Client account in the client rate)

o   Service-level agreement (assigned in the virtual coordinator)

o   Client types (the list is shared, but the type is assigned to a Client account)

●        TIMESHEET

o   Work codes

●        SECURITY

o   Roles (the list is shared, but you can create roles and permission for different teams)

o   User permissions (the list is shared, but permission is assigned to each user)

⚙ > General > Modules - FlowFit User Documentation - Confluence (atlassian.net)


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