⚙ > General > Custom Fields





Custom field management


If you have already explored and tested out all system fields available in the project template and need extra or special fields and values which your PMs, clients or providers can choose from, you may want to try adding your own custom fields.

Pro tip:
It is recommended to copy or edit existing custom fields rather than creating them from scratch and try them in the client portal or FlowFit-TMS new request form to ensure a perfect configuration and display.

Before adding custom fields, you should think about the following:

  1. The type of custom field and the associated values to select (Checkbox, text box, pick list, etc.)

  2. The custom field entity (Is it a field to place in the Project new request form (it is the most common case)? In the Provider Task Information tab? In a Resource profile? In a Client profile?)

  3. The field visibility and accessibility (Who will select the values, who needs to see them and from where? Should all users from all 3 portals see them? May it imply changing user permission?)

  4. The custom field esthetics (Is the field name concise enough? Should fields be grouped in sections?)

  5. The custom field limited automation or reporting capabilities (Custom fields cannot be used in the virtual coordinator nor to generate reports, unlike most system fields from the project template).



Project, Task, Resource and Client entity custom fields


There are 4 main levels of field information which corresponds to 4 different locations in the FlowFit-TMS interface where custom fields will appear once created:

⚙ > General > Custom Fields > Project entity custom fields

⚙ > General > Custom Fields > Task entity custom fields

⚙ > General > Custom Fields > Resource entity custom fields

⚙ > General > Custom Fields > Client entity custom fields


Project entity custom fields are the mostly used by FlowFit users: they can be displayed and manipulated from the FlowFit Client portal new request form or from the FlowFit-TMS project manager new project creation form, or from both.

They are usually used to ask specific information to requesters, and then to display such information to project managers, and eventually internal or external providers (or both).

Once project entity custom fields have been created and tested, it is easier to understand how to create and use Task, Resource and Client entity custom fields, if there is a need for such fields.


Create, Edit or Copy Project entity custom fields and groups

By default, Project entity custom fields appear at the bottom of the new request form.
They can be organized in sections (groups) by using the Add Group button and reorganized in a certain order by using the arrows on their left-hand side.

It is easier to create (using the Add field button) or edit (using the pen icon) a first custom field, then test it, then use it or deactivate it, and then copy it (using the copy icon) to create additional custom fields.



Custom field creation/edition form

Although you can create new custom fields from scratch (using the Add field button) it is easier the copy an existing one (using the copy icon) to create additional custom fields.


⚙ > General > Custom Fields > Creation/edition form > Section 1 > General

  1. Deactivate your custom field if not yet ready to be seen or used (from the Client portal, for ex).

  2. Give your field a system unique name (adding the field type or a number can be a good idea).

  3. Choose one or several entities where you’d like the custom field to appear.

  4. Select Copy from client to project to copy values from a client profile field to projects.

  5. Give a concise public description (avoid using long sentences and special characters)

  6. Add a French translation for your field using the blue + sign (for users using the UI in French)

  7. Click on the blue SAVE button and come back to further edit non-mandatory configurations

  8. Enter instructions in the tooltip text box if needs be.

  9. Add a French translation for your tooltips using the blue + sign (for users using the UI in French)

  10. Select a Group Name from the drop-down list to include the field in the same section.


⚙ > General > Custom Fields > Creation/edition form > Section 2 > Configuration

  1. Choose one custom field type amongst the 6 available:

  2. Choose or enter values users will choose from.

  • For a Long Textbox custom field, a Default text can be added.

  • For a Short Textbox custom field, a Default text can be added, a maximum character length and a regular expression to force users to enter a specific text format can be specified.

  • For a Boolean type custom field, the Default value can be a checked or an unchecked box.

  • For a Drop-down List type custom field, use the Add option button, enter values and their FR translations for the FR UI. Check the sorted option to keep your preferred value order, check the multiselect option to allow users to select multiple choices:

  • For a Number type custom field, a Default number can be added, minimum and maximum values of number can be specified as well as allowing decimals.

  • For a Date type custom field, a Default date can be specified as well as the calendar format.

⚙ > General > Custom Fields > Creation/edition form > Section 3 > Visibility