Productivity reports




Reports view > Productivity tab


Productivity Reports: Productivity reports analyze the output of translators and other team members, tracking the volume of work completed over time. These reports can highlight efficiencies and areas for improvement in the workflow.

Vendor and Freelancer Performance Reports: These reports evaluate the performance of external vendors and freelancers, including their reliability, quality of work, and adherence to deadlines. This information is valuable for managing relationships with external resources.


The following reports are available in the Productivity category:


1.    Task Details

This report displays the details of tasks completed per resource for a specified timeframe.

To produce a Task Details Report, select the information you would like to see in the report by selecting options from the various drop-down menus available below, then click on APPLY.



  • Completed Date From - To

    • Date range of the data. All data generated by the report will be between the selected start and end dates.

  • Module

    • Filters the data to show only projects with the selected modules

  • Resource

    • Filters the data to show projects that have the selected resource

  • Service Group

    • Filters the data to show projects that have the selected service group

  • Service

    • Filters the data to show projects that have the selected service

2.   Time Spent Per Project

This report displays the time spent grouped by project for a specified timeframe.

To produce a Time Spent per Project Report, select the information you would like to see in the report by selecting options from the various drop-down menus available below, then click on APPLY.




  • Time Spent From - To

    • Date range of the data. All data generated by the report will be between the selected start and end dates.

  • Module

    • Filters the data to show only projects with the selected modules

  • Resource

    • Filters the data to show projects that have the selected resource

  • Service

    • Filters the data to show projects that have the selected service

  • Work Code

    • Filters the data to show projects that have the selected work code

  • Client

    • Filters the data to show projects that have the selected client

  • Project Number

    • Filters the data to show projects that have the specified project number


3.    Time Spent Per Service

This report displays the time spent grouped by service for a specified timeframe.

To produce a Time Spent per Service Report, select the information you would like to see in the report by selecting options from the various drop-down menus available below, then click on APPLY.




  • Time Spent From - To

    • Date range of the data. All data generated by the report will be between the selected start and end dates.

  • Module

    • Filters the data to show only projects with the selected modules

  • Resource

    • Filters the data to show projects that have the selected resource

  • Service

    • Filters the data to show projects that have the selected service

  • Work Code

    • Filters the data to show projects that have the selected work code

  • Client

    • Filters the data to show projects that have the selected client

  • Project Number

    • Filters the data to show projects that have the specified project number

4.   Time Spent Per Resource

This report displays the time spent grouped by resource for a specified timeframe.

To produce a Time Spent per Resource Report, select the information you would like to see in the report by selecting options from the various drop-down menus available below, then click on APPLY.




  • Time Spent From - To

    • Date range of the data. All data generated by the report will be between the selected start and end dates.

  • Module

    • Filters the data to show only projects with the selected modules

  • Resource

    • Filters the data to show projects that have the selected resource

  • Service

    • Filters the data to show projects that have the selected service

  • Work Code

    • Filters the data to show projects that have the selected work code

  • Client

    • Filters the data to show projects that have the selected client

  • Project Number

    • Filters the data to show projects that have the specified project number


5.   Productivity

This report displays the productivity by resource for a specified timeframe.

To produce a Productivity Report, select the information you would like to see in the report by selecting options from the various drop-down menus available below, then click on APPLY.




  • Completed Tasks From - To

    • Date range of the data. All data generated by the report will be between the selected start and end dates.

  • Resource Module

    • Filters the data to show only projects with the selected resource modules

  • Service Group

    • Filters the data to show projects that have the selected service group

  • Resource

    • Filters the data to show projects that have the selected resource

  • Resource Type

    • Filters the data to show projects that have the selected resource type



6.   Occupation Rate

This report displays the occupation rate by resource for a specified timeframe.

To produce an Occupation Rate Report, select the information you would like to see in the report by selecting options from the various drop-down menus available below, then click on APPLY.




  • Completed Tasks From - To

    • Date range of the data. All data generated by the report will be between the selected start and end dates.

  • Resource Module

    • Filters the data to show only projects with the selected resource modules

  • Service Group

    • Filters the data to show projects that have the selected service group

  • Resource

    • Filters the data to show projects that have the selected resource

  • Resource Type

    • Filters the data to show projects that have the selected resource type


7.    Work distribution by resource

This report displays the work volume of a resource, per unit and per service.

To produce a Report, select the information you would like to see in the report by selecting options from the various drop-down menus available below, then click on APPLY.


9.   Work per ressource

This report displays the work volume of a resource, per unit and per service.

To produce a Report, select the information you would like to see in the report by selecting options from the various drop-down menus available below, then click on APPLY.



10. Team

This report displays the work volume translated and reviewed of a resource, per unit and per work type, and in how many projects. The quantity translated and reviewed are linked to the service group’s type associated to a service.

To produce a Report, select the information you would like to see in the report by selecting options from the various drop-down menus available below, then click on APPLY.





Productivity reports - FlowFit User Documentation - Confluence (