How to create new LogiTerm files and analysis
Open an existing FlowFit project, or create a new FlowFit project
Go to the FlowFit project’s Documents tab
Click on the blue LogiTerm button right next to the Create tasks button
In the first Documents tab of the LogiTerm document analysis pop-up window:
Review the analysis target languages
Select the source documents to include in the LogiTerm analysis
Review or load a LogiTerm template
In the second LogiTerm Modules tab of the LogiTerm document analysis pop-up window:
Select the appropriate LogiTerm modules: use the switch button to either select all modules or specific modules.
Add or remove LogiTerm .xml reference files if applicable, using the Add or Remove buttons. You can activate the Give priority to reference files option.
In the third Options tab of the LogiTerm document analysis pop-up window:
In the Sentences section, set the minimum similarity percentage.
Activate or not the segmentation at colon option.
Activate or not the segmentation at semicolon option.
In the Process section, activate or not the sentences option.
Activate or not the terminology option.
In the Output section, use the drop-down menu to select an output type.
In the Match Sorting section, use the drop-down menu to select a sort type.
In the Weighed according to section, select one of the two options.
Click on the Save button to launch the LogiTerm analysis.
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