⚙ > Administration > System parameters > Emails tab


⚙ > Administration > System parameters > Emails tab




⚙ > Administration > System parameters > Emails tab

Emails tab > Section 1 – EMAILS SEND SERVICE:

> /FlowFitTMS/#/parameters/email


  1. Enable: click on the toggle button to enable or disable the system-generated emails.

  2. SMTP Server: address of the SMTP email server to be used to send emails generated by FlowFit.

  3. SMTP Port: port number of the SMTP server.

  4. SSL: indicates if the SMPT email server uses Secure Socket Layering (SSL).

  5. User: the user to use with the SMTP server.

  6. Password: the password of the user that uses the SMTP server.

  7. Email default from: the email address to use as the sender of emails.

  8. Always send to: redirects all FlowFit notifications to one email address. Very useful for tests, to avoid spamming real FlowFit users or requestors, for example. Be aware that password reset emails will also be redirected to the specified address. Simply leave the field empty to allow users to receive all FlowFit notifications as normal.



Emails tab > Section 2 – EMAILS READ SERVICE:

> /FlowFitTMS/#/parameters/email




Enabling the email read service allows FlowFit to scan an email box from your own company email server for incoming client requests and create FlowFit projects automatically from them. The regular expression is used to filter incoming emails and add them to the associated, already existing FlowFit projects.
Please ask for help before enabling this feature, as both Consoltec and your IT department must be involved into the configuration process.

  1. Enable: click on the toggle button to enable or disable the ability for FlowFit to read your email inbox.

  2. Default folder: The inbox folder you’d like FlowFit to monitor.

  3. IMAP Server: address of the IMAP email server to be used.

  4. SSL: select the enabled or disabled option.

  5. Authentication: select the authentication method for of the IMAP email server (Base or OAuth 2.0).

  6. Client ID: enter they applicable key.

  7. Secret key: enter they applicable key.

  8. Tenant ID: enter they applicable key.

  9. Password: the password of the user that uses the SMTP server.

  10. Regular expression: Enter a regular expression which FlowFit will use to recognize email notifications related to requests already created in FlowFit. For example, email objects containing a FlowFit project number should not be used to create new (duplicate) FlowFit requests. Here is a sample regular expression which may match the FlowFit project number contained in an email object: ([0-9]{2}(0[1-9]|1[0-2])(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01]))-[0-9]{3}

  11. Create new projects: if the option is enabled, FlowFit will create new requests with the emails which do not match the regular expression. If the option is disabled, FlowFit will not create new requests but will update existing FlowFit projects with new incoming emails bearing the related FlowFit project number in their object.

  12. Project template: select the default project template which should be used to create new requests from emails. It is advised to create a special project template for this purpose, where the request form does not contain more mandatory fields than the required Client, Requester, Request type and Request title, as FlowFit will not have the capacity to guess which values to input in mandatory fields.
    This video helps understand which fields and document section of the request form can automatically be filled by FlowFit based on the information retrieved in emails: https://consoltec.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FFDOC/pages/1839628469/How+to+create+a+project+from+an+email

⚙ > Administration > System parameters > Emails tab - FlowFit User Documentation - Confluence (atlassian.net)

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